Because I’m Crazy, Baby

I’ve been listening to Lana Del Rey obsessively for the last day or so. Why is she so perfect?

I woke up and jumped on the scale about 5 times this morning.


I’m getting closer closer closer closer.

My friend who I haven’t seen in such a long time and bailed on me on my fucking birthday invited me out to dinner with her and her other friends. Contemplated it. Really. How to go and avoid eating anything. It didn’t seem worth the hassle of going then. So I said no and I knew I made the right decision.

Tonight, I am so busy. Must do laundry, wrap presents and make cards for my mama and sister. Bake zucchini brownies. Pack for the weekend. Pick up my medicine. Annnnd salad for dinner.

Let’s make today even better than yesterday. And yesterday, was *almost* perfect. Slipped up in the afternoon and bought a pack of rolo’s. Not today. I have my yogurt and fruit, string cheese, and for when the late afternoon cravings come in… a banana. Can’t wait for the weather to get cold so I can have soup for every meal and drink my hunger away.

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